The Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) of Mahón-Menorca cheese has announced the <strong>XXIII MAHON-MENORCA D.O.P. CHEESE CONTEST. </strong> -||- -||-This annual competition, initiated in 2001 by the Insular Council of Menorca, aims to support the cheese sector and promote recognition of the work carried out by local cheesemakers and ripeners who produce PDO cheese. The award ceremony is a public event held annually in a different municipality on the island of Menorca. -||- -||-This year’s awards ceremony took place on Friday, <strong>12th July, at 9:00 p.m. at Pla de la Creu de Sant Lluís.</strong> With the presence of the Councillor for General Services and Economy of the Insular Council of Menorca, Mrs. Maria Antònia Taltavull Fernández, and the Mayor of Sant Lluís, Mrs. Ma Dolores Tronch. -||- -||-Before the awards ceremony, at 7:00 p.m., there was a market of artists and creators from Menorca, followed by a concert of ‘havaneres’ at 9:30 p.m. -||- -||-After the awards ceremony, all those presents could taste the winning pieces and wine from the island of Menorca. -||-In this competition, each registered cheese factory has been able to present a “fogassa” (piece) in the semi-cured cheese category and another in the cured cheese category. -||-The “fogasses” can be presented directly by the cheese factories or their ripener, in any case, only one per category. -||-The winning cheese factory in each category receives a trophy. The ripener who has treated the winning piece, in each category, receives a diploma and the possibility of stating in their advertising the circumstance of being the winner of this competition for a year. This includes a distinctive seal of the prize, designed by this competition. -||-The second and third-place cheeses are mentioned and receive a trophy. -||- -||-<strong>The winning cheese factories of each variety and type of cheese</strong>, both Mahón-Menorca Artesano and Mahón-Menorca, <strong>receive a cash prize of €750</strong>. -||- -||-The D.O.P. Tasting Jury evaluated the Mahón-Menorca Artisans pieces on Tuesday 4 and Thursday 6th June, and the Mahón-Menorca pieces on Thursday 13th June, at the headquarters of the Regulatory Council. -||-The evaluation of each sample was recorded in a tasting sheet, which analyses various aspects: visual, smell, texture, aroma and flavour, persistence and residual taste, to finish with the overall impression. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="Jurat de tast" width="1320" height="652" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2338" /> -||- -||-Participation was very high, 34 of the 44 artisan cheese factories registered, that is, 77%, presenting 33 semi-cured pieces of cheese, and 29 cured pieces of cheese, totalling 62 artisan pieces. -||- -||-<strong>A total of 70 pieces of DOP cheese were submitted to the competition</strong>, 38 semi-cured and 32 cured, representing a 74% participation. -||- -||-<strong>The winners of the best PDO cheese piece in 2024 were: -||-Formatges D’en Vinent (Semi-cured Artisan) -||-Formatges Quintana (Cured Artisan) -||-Formatges Dalrit-Mercadal (Semi-cured) -||-Formatges La Payesa Menorca (Cured)</strong>
Mahón-Menorca cheese, the natural taste of the island
<h1>Mahón-Menorca cheese: the natural taste of the island</h1> -||-<p>The rebirth of nature is here, and with this spring, the beauty of the flowers colours the Menorcan countryside. Like the perennial plant Anclova or Zulla, which blooms red at this time of year and serves as food for the cows that graze calmly and freely on these lands. These are the very Friesian cows that provide all the milk used to produce Mahón-Menorca cheese, a local and healthy food in every sense.</p> -||-<p>Mahón-Menorca cheese tastes like its island; its authenticity lies in the characteristics that embrace its environment. Just as the wind spreads the seeds that germinate and colour the meadows, it is also an essential element that carries the sea salt to the pastures that feed these cows. This special “sea” touch is imprinted in every bite of Mahón-Menorca cheese.</p> -||-<p>Its peculiar and unmistakable flavour would not be possible without all these variables and the millenary tradition of Mahón-Menorca cheese-making. Just as the golden proportions of the petals that flood the region this season, the genuine art of “formatjar” has origins that go back to ancient times and is slowly engraved in the collective memory of this paradise, declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.</p> -||- -||-<h2>Tradition and expansion of Mahón-Menorca cheese</h2> -||-<p>This process of sustainable creation, respectful of the environment and aiding the miracle of the explosion of spring light on the island, is protected by the Regulatory Council. This guardian has been watching over the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) of Mahón-Menorca cheese since 1985.</p> -||-<p>Anclova has reached Malta, Brazil, Australia… and Mahón-Menorca PDO cheese has expanded to no fewer than 48 countries. It has also become the third Spanish Protected Designation of Origin in terms of sales and export volume. Each year, 3,000 kilograms of Mahón-Menorca cheese reach homes around the world, offering an unparalleled taste.</p> -||-<p>Another unique feature of Mahón-Menorca cheese is its shape. Wherever you see pressed pasta cheeses with a parallelepiped shape, with softened edges and corners, you have the Protected Designation of Origin Mahón-Menorca cheese. Yes, they are square.</p> -||- -||-<img src="" alt="DOP Queso Mahón-Menorca" width="1200" height="800" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2329" /> -||- -||-<h3>Ripening process and characteristics of Mahón-Menorca cheese</h3> -||-<p>All square, but more yellow or orange depending on their ripening time. Unlike flowers, which wither, Mahón-Menorca cheeses improve with the passage of time. Matured in the cellars of Menorcan producing farms, another added peculiarity is their ripening. In the 37 companies that market Mahón-Menorca cheese, all of them local, the process involves lovingly turning the cheeses and coating them with olive oil and paprika.</p> -||-<p>Turned up, turned down… slowly, with care and rest. With quality and dedication, like the emergence of nature, and that plant called “zulla” or “anclova” that lives perennially in the Balearic Islands. Will Mahón-Menorca cheese last as long? So far, it seems that 4,000 years of cheese-making tradition is a guarantee of longevity.</p> -||-<p>Mahón-Menorca cheese is more than food; it is a sensory experience that connects us with the essence
Mahón-Menorca Cheese Competition, 2023
<strong>MAHON-MENORCA CHEESE COMPETITION, 2023 -||-</strong> -||- -||-Regulatory Council of the Protected Designation of Origin of Cheese Mahón-Menorca announces the <strong>XXII AWARD FOR THE BEST PIECE OF CHEESE MAHON-MINORCA.</strong> -||- -||-<strong>The winning cheese factories of each variety and type of cheese</strong>, that is, both the Mahón-Menorca Artesano, and the Mahón Menorca, in the semi-cured and cured variety, will receive a <strong>cash prize of €750 and a trophy</strong>. -||- -||-As always, each cheese factory can present one piece of cheese in the <strong>semi-cured</strong> category and one piece in the <strong>cured</strong> category. The dairies are registered in two types: -||-Mahón-Menorca and Mahón-Menorca Artesano, can be presented in both categories. -||- -||-The pieces of artisan cheese can be presented directly by the cheese factories or by their ripener; in any case, only one per category. -||- -||-<strong>The ripeners</strong> who have treated the winning pieces will receive a <strong>diploma</strong> and the possibility of stating in their <strong>publicity</strong> the circumstance of being the winner of this contest, <strong>for a year.</strong> The hallmark of the winner of the contest, designed by the Regulatory Council, is that they can show it on their <strong>business label</strong>. -||- -||-<strong>The second and third classifieds</strong> will be mentioned, which will receive a <strong>trophy</strong>, <strong>but they may not advertise or state it on their labelling</strong>. -||- -||-The selection of the winners has been made by the judges of the Tasting Jury of the D.O.P. in different sessions. -||- -||-<strong>The pieces of Mahón Menorca Artesano</strong> cheese have been sensorially analysed by the Tasting jury of the Regulatory Council, on Thursday 8, and Friday 9 June, at the offices of the Regulatory Council. -||- -||-<strong>The pieces of Mahón Menorca cheese</strong> have been analysed on Thursday, June 15. -||-The participation of artisan cheese factories has been very high, of the 42 cheese factories registered on the date of the call, 35 have participated, that is, 83%. -||- -||-34 semi-cured cheeses and 27 cured cheeses have been presented, a total of 61 artisan pieces. -||- -||-In total, 71 pieces have been submitted to the contest, 40 semi-cured and 31 cured, jointly exceeding 80% participation. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="2560" height="1706" class="size-full wp-image-2302" /> -||- -||-
1ª Mahón-Menorca cheese Fair
Once the results have been analysed, from the <strong>Mahon-Menorca Cheese Denomination of Origin Regulatory Council</strong>, we would like to express our gratitude to the Maó City Council for the initiative to create the <strong>first Mahón-Menorca cheese fair</strong>, in the first place, to its mayor, Héctor Pons, and also, very especially, to the councillor for festivals, Tete García, who has been the great promoter of this idea, in which he has believed and fought until it became reality. -||-It has been a satisfaction to see how both the <strong>14 D.O.P. cheese dairies</strong> that have participated and whom we thank for their effort, as well as <strong>the 9 dairies that have been invited from the rest of the Spanish and Portuguese geography</strong>, which belong to the European Cheese Route, have been able to sell almost all the cheese they had brought and have been very satisfied with the result. -||-Menorcan men and women have had a magnificent response, with very large attendance at the fair, for which we are also very grateful to all the people who have visited the shelves and have participated in the different complementary activities, which we consider to have been many and varied. , for which we congratulate Sa Cooperativa del Camp, which has been the entity responsible for organizing them. -||-Also, our thanks to the Insular Council of Menorca, which has supported the organization of the fair at all times, both the president Susana Mora, the Minister of Economy, Josep Pastrana, and the Insular Director of Economy, Pilar Pons. -||-We are very proud that the Mahón-Menorca cheese fair has been included in the European Cheese Route, and we hope that it continues to be held, year after year, to increasingly consolidate the image of Menorca as a cheese island. -||- -||- -||-Maó, November 7, 2022 -||-Juan Bosco Triay Barber -||-President C.R.D.O. Mahón-Menorca cheese -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="477" height="536" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2218" />
We renew the agreement with Elitechip
On Friday 17 June, at the headquarters of the Regulatory Council, the signing of the renewal of the joint support agreement between the Regulatory Council of the Designation of Origin of Mahón-Menorca cheese with the entity Elitechip took place, at sporting events that they organize in the Balearic Islands. -||- -||-A commitment shared by both parties is that in the development of the tasks included in sporting events they will be environmentally friendly, and an environmental policy is established and maintained and kept up to date with the continuous improvement of their environmental practices. -||- -||-Scheduled events: -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">TRAILMENORCA CAMÍ DE CAVALLS</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;"><span>CURSA DE SA LLUNA PLENA SANT LLUIS</span></p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">ARTIEM HALF MENORCA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">MITJA MARATO MENORCA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">MITJA MARATÓ FORNELLS</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">MITJA MARATÓ CIUTAT DE PALMA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">TRAIL DE FORMENTERA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">TRIATLÓ PORT DE PALMA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">TRAIL DELS FARS</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">PALMA SKYLINE</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">FEIM KILOMETRES PALMA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;">OCTOBER TRAIL MENORCA</p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;"><span>TRAIL DELS BARRANCS</span></p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;"><span>TRAIL NORD MENORCA</span></p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;"><span>TRIATLO PLATJA GRAN</span></p> -||-<p style="font-weight: 400;"><span>TRIATLO CALANBLANES</span></p> -||-<strong>Good nutrition and exercise are the two basic pillars of a healthy life.</strong> -||- -||-It is difficult to find foods that enjoy the nutritional quality of Mahón-Menorca cheese. -||- -||-Its valuable contributions can be highlighted because <strong>it contains essential fatty acids such as linoleic and linolenic</strong> that cannot be synthesized by humans and are necessary for proper development. -||- -||-<strong>The contribution of mineral elements</strong> is very important, mainly <strong>Ca, Mg and P</strong>. -||- -||-It is <strong>rich in proteins of high biological</strong> <strong>value and very easy to digest</strong>. -||- -||-Provides substantial amounts of <strong>vitamin A and B complex</strong>.
Participation in the Salon du Fromage 2022
<strong>The D.O.P. Queso Mahón-Menorca</strong> has been present, one more year, at the <strong>Salon du Fromage</strong> fair, held in Paris from February 27 to March 2. -||- -||-This <strong>17th edition has had 250 exhibitors and 7,700 professional visits</strong>. Thus, the Cheese and Dairy Products Fair has established itself as the essential professional meeting place for all actors in the dairy sector. -||- -||-On March 1 at 1 p.m., <strong>a commented tasting</strong> was offered, directed by the expert José Luis Martín. 4 D.O.P. kinds of cheese were offered. Mahón-Menorca, two semis (1 Mahón and 1 artisan) and two cured (1 Mahón and 1 artisan). -||- -||- -||-<img src="ón-du-fromage-París22-scaled.jpeg" alt="" width="2560" height="1920" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1679" />
Mahón-Menorca cheese commented tastings
Tasting held on Friday, August 6 at Es Migjorn Gran to the cycle of tastings "Si Gustau …" -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="2048" height="1536" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1645" /> -||- -||-Commented tasting at the Binissues de Ferreries estate, on October 9, 2021. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="1600" height="1200" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1651" /> -||- -||-The tasting was commented by the culinary and gastronomy students of the Hospitality School of the M. Àngels Cardona Institute in Ciutadella, on October 19, 2021. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="2048" height="1536" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1654" /> -||- -||-Cheese Tasting Mahón-Menorca at the Arrels Fair, held on September 18 and 19 in des Freginal park. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="800" height="600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1657" />
Contest Mahón-Menorca Cheese D.O.P. 2021
<strong>The Regulatory Council of the Protected Denomination of Origin of cheese Mahón-Menorca convened the "XX CHEESE CONTEST MAHON-MENORCA D.O.P."</strong> -||- -||-This annual call began in 2001, at the initiative of the Insular Council of Menorca, with the aim of supporting the cheese sector and promoting recognition of the work that is done to the places of Menorca, which make cheese with a Protected Designation of Origin. -||-This year the contest was extended to Mahón-Menorca cheeses that are not artisans and that are made in registered industrial cheese factories, to recognize their importance, as well as that of the ripeners of the winning pieces. -||- -||-The awards ceremony is a public act that is held every year in a different municipality on the Island of Menorca. -||-2020, due to its pandemic, was not celebrated, but this year 2021 it has been celebrated, although with restrictions due to Covid-19, calling only the winners, the media and authorities to the delivery ceremony. -||- -||-The awards ceremony took place Thursday, July 1, in the meeting room of his Farm in Maó, with the presence of the Minister of Employment, Economic Projection, Youth and Sports of the Insular Council of Menorca, Mr Josep Pastrana. -||- -||-In this contest, each registered cheese factory was able to present a loaf in the semi-cured cheese category and a loaf in the cured cheese category. -||-The loaves could be presented directly by the cheese factories or their ripener, in any case, only one per category. -||- -||-The winning cheese factory in each category receives a trophy and the ripener who has treated the winning piece, in each category, receives a diploma and the possibility of stating in their advertising the circumstance of being the winner of this contest, for a year with a hallmark of the award, which has been designed. -||- -||-Those who are classified in second and third place are mentioned, who receive a trophy, but cannot state it on their labelling or advertising. -||- -||-This call has had two great novelties: -||-1.- The contest has been extended to Mahón-Menorca cheese, which has had a winner for each variety, semi-cured and cured. -||-2.- The winning cheese factories of each variety and type of cheese, that is, both from Mahón-Menorca Artisan and Mahón-Menorca, have received a cash prize of €750. -||- -||-The PDO Tasting Jury carried out the tasting to evaluate the pieces Mahón-Menorca submitted to the contest on Thursday, June 10, and the pieces Mahón-Menorca Artisans, on Tuesday 15 and Thursday 17 June, at the headquarters of the Regulatory Council. -||- -||-The evaluation of each sample was collected in a tasting sheet, which analyses various aspects: visual, smell, texture, aroma and flavour, persistence and residual taste, to finish with the overall impression. -||- -||-The participation of industrial cheese factories was 100%, which is 9, presenting 9 semi-cured and 6 cured pieces of cheese, a total of 15 pieces. -||-The participation of artisan cheese factories was also very high, 38 of the 40 registered cheese factories, that is,
Mahón-Menorca Cheese with the music
Mahón-Menorca Cheese sponsors the 10 concerts of the musical group "The Other Side" in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, where they show the video of the production of Mahón-Menorca cheese and the logo of the D.O.P.
Tastings with the Mahón-Menorca Cheese stand
This year, the tastings with the Mobile Unit have been restarted. From August to September 30, information and tasting of Mahón-Menorca cheese and Mahón-Menorca Artisan cheese have been offered: -||- -||-Monday – Cathedral Square (Ciutadella) -||-Tuesday – “Sa Plaça” Market (Maó) -||-Friday – Cathedral Square (Ciutadella) -||-Saturday – “Sa Plaça” Market (Maó) -||- -||-The public tasting was from 10 am to 2 pm. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="1922" height="2560" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1617" />
Mahón-Menorca Cheese with sport clubs
<strong>Sponsorship season 20-21 club Atlético Villacarlos</strong> -||-The collaboration agreement signed between the two entities has been renewed. -||-The team will wear the Mahón-Menorca DOP cheese logo on the trousers of the national youth team. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="686" height="500" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1597" /> -||- -||-<strong>Sponsorship season 20-21 club Volleyball Ciutadella</strong> -||-Sponsorship with the Ciutadella Volleyball Club for the 2020-21 season was renewed -||-The sponsorship has consisted of the printing of the Mahón-Menorca PDO logo on T-shirts and billboards, with the Regulatory Council logo on the pavilion. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="764" height="943" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1607" /> -||- -||-
Mahón- Menorca Cheese with sports
<strong>Mahón-Menorca Cheese is the official sponsor of the following races and events organized by Elitechip</strong>: -||- -||-Trail Menorca Camí de Cavalls -||-Artiem Half Menorca -||-Mitja Marató Menorca -||-Mitja Marató Fornells -||-Mitja Marató Ciutat de Palma -||-Trail de Formentera -||-Triatló Port de Palma -||-Trail dels Fars -||-Palma Skyline -||-Feim Kilometres Palma -||-October Trail Menorca -||-Trail dels Barrancs -||-Trail Nord Menorca -||-Traitló Platja Gran -||-Triatló Cala en Blanes -||-La Mola War Race -||-Cursa de Fons de Sant Lluís -||-Travessa de Cala Galdana -||- -||-<strong>In the VIII edition of the Trail Menorca</strong>, the participants could taste Mahón-Menorca cheese in the 15 refreshment stations of the race, in addition, each participant had a sample of cheese in their runner bag and the winners of the different categories were also presented, with a batch of products. -||- -||-<img src="×768.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="600" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1575" /> -||- -||-<strong>Mahón-Menorca cheese Sponsorship the race, the 10/5 Miles City of Maó</strong>. -||-The sixth edition of this race was held on May 29, 2021, in the Port of Maó. The prize for the winners was 10 kilos and 5 kilos of Mahón-Menorca cheese, respectively. -||- -||-<img src="" alt="" width="600" height="600" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-1581" /> -||- -||-<strong>Collaboration with Golf Son Parc</strong> -||-on August 14 where the winners of the VII Mahón-Menorca Cheese Golf Trophy were gifted with cheese. -||- -||-<img src="×1024.jpeg" alt="" width="600" height="600" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-1590" />
Mahón Menorca cheese with gastronomy
<h4 class="p1"><span class="s1">"<b>Menorca en el Plato</b>" </span></h4> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">"Menorca en el plato" held the VII edition of the gastronomic days, organized by the Menorcan Association of Cafes, Bars and Restaurants of PYME, from June 26 to July 5, with 21 participating restaurants, who offered some recipe with Mahón-Menorca cheese.</span></p> -||- -||-<h4 class="p1"><span class="s1">"<b>La Cocina del Queso</b>" </span></h4> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">From July 15 to August 5, the activity "La Cocina del Queso" was held at the Alaior Night Market, offering various traditional recipes with Mahón-Menorca cheese, prepared by the Association of Housewives of Alaior.</span></p>
Mahón Menorca cheese with education
<h4 class="p1"><span class="s1">Commented tasting at the Mª Àngels Cardona institute</span></h4> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">On January 10 there was a commented tasting of Mahón – Menorca cheese given by Montse Marqués. It was held at the Maria Àngels Cardona Institute in Ciutadella, and first and second-grade students in cooking and gastronomy participated.</span></p>
Participation in the “ORIGEN ESPAÑA” promotional campaigns
<p class="p1"><span class="s1"><b>On February 17 and 18, 2020, the presentation of the closing of the 1st promotion campaign “Origen España”</b> 2017-2020 took place, which was held in the Stables of the Mosque of Córdoba, where two cocktails were offered and prepared by Celia Jiménez (star Michelin 2006).</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The Spanish Association of Denominations of Origin "<b>Origin Spain</b>" was created in 2008, due to the concern of a group of producers of agri-food products to promote the recognition of the essential role of Protected Origin Denominations (<b>PDO</b>) and Protected Geographical Indications (<b>PGI</b>) ) Spanish agri-food.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The Association launched the promotion campaign <b>"Stories on your table"</b> in 2017. Its objectives have been to change the level of recognition of the PDO and PGI logos to recognize the inimitable value and the "know-how" of the artisan, farmer or rancher behind each product.</span></p>
Participation at the Salon du Fromage in Paris
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">For the first time,<b> the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin of Mahón-Menorca cheese</b>, organized participation in the <b>SALON DU FROMAGE</b>, held from February 23 to 26 at the Porte de Versailles site in Paris, under the umbrella of the Institute of Foreign Trade, ICEX.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Two companies joined us: the <b>Coinga</b> cooperative and <b>Queso Quintana</b>.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">We had a 18m2 space to offer tasting and information on Mahón-Menorca cheese.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">This has been the 16th edition of the Show, and it is an important international professional event, which has become a benchmark in the dairy sector.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">This year, Spain was <b>the country of honour</b>, the leading country, according to the director of the Show, Céline Glineur, a decision that was made due to the dynamism shown by the sector and the diversity of cheeses in our country.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Buyers from all over the world were able to discover Spanish cheeses, which were presented as “cheese heaven”, since it is the 8th European producer, with more than 150 varieties, of which 32 are PDO or PGI.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Cheeses represent 40% of exports of Spanish food products.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The Hall had more than 250 exhibitors and the presence of some 8,000 professionals from more than 48 countries.</span></p>
International Congress of Gastronomy Madrid Fusión 2020
<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The <b>Mahón Menorca Cheese</b> Regulatory Council was present at the 18th edition of Madrid Fusión 2020, the international Gastronomy Congress where news from the sector is presented. It was held in a new setting, the IFEMA pavilion 14, on January 13, 14 and 15.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The stand was located in pavilion 14.1.C, together with the Sobrasada de Mallorca Regulatory Councils and Pla i Llevant wines.</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">The Regulatory Councils were together again to offer the covered products as well as a space dedicated to the Live Show Cookings, prepared by the Ambassador Chefs: <b>Margalida Alemany </b>(Chef), <b>Joan Porcel</b> (Oliu Restaurant in Andratx), and <b>Lluís Pérez </b>(Pastry Chef).</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Among other well-known people they visited the stand and were gifted with a batch of Mahón-Menorca cheese:</span></p> -||-<p class="p1"><span class="s1">Canco Rodriguez, Ana Álvarez, María Isabel Díaz, Cristina Peña, Javi Collado, Ramoncín, Romay…</span></p>
We renew the sponsorship of Albert Torres
<strong>Albert Torres (Ciutadella de Menorca 1990), like our Mahón Menorca Protected Designation of Origin cheese, is an emblem of our island.</strong> -||- -||-Albert Torres is the current European Track Cycling Champion in Omnium and Madison. He was also a world champion in 2014 and participated in the London 2012 Olympic Games. -||- -||-Sponsorship consists of: -||-<ol> -||- <li>Promote the brand in the media</li> -||- <li>Regularly use the C.R.D.O. Mahón Menorca cheese logo on his official kit</li> -||- <li>Diffusion of our brand on social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, and promoting the C.R.D.O. Mahón Menorca cheese in media interviews whenever possible</li> -||- <li>Various events</li> -||-</ol>
© 2020 CONSELL REGULADOR D.O.P. QUESO MAHÓN MENORCA · Web Design: Ivan Khanet Studio